【Ultimate Guide】How to start a blog for free in 2020?

How to start a blog for free in 2020?  is still a question for many of us but why? Let's find out...

As if we google this question How to start a free?

 blog? We get so many results then still many of us didn't get the correct or appropriate answer to this question.

And because of so much confusion about this, many of you again search for this term to get an appropriate answer.

    Well, it's not like that it could be someone's first search, and might be you are suffering to get the correct answer.

    Well, guys, this is Aditya Pal a passionate blogger today in this post on Blogging Fearz I am going to share my own explanation about Blogging and related terms with questions in detail explanation.

    I will cover all the terminology related to blogging and websites. If you are doing this job you might know the difference between a blog and a website.

    Step By Step Blogging Guide
    Step By Step Blogging Guide

    But for a newbie, this is so confusing they didn't understand that What is Blog? and What is a Website?

    Sometimes many questions arise in mind like:

    1. Are blogs and websites the same? If Yes/No, then why and how.

    2. Which is better a blog or a website?

    3. Is a blog a part of the website?

    4. Should I start a blog in 2020?

    It becomes very important to clear all your doubts before starting anything so in this post before starting about How to start a free blog in 2020?

    I just want to clear all your doubts so you do not need to go and search for it again anywhere and waste your time.

    Let's discuss the important questions...

    The very first and common question arises when someone thinks to have an online place or presence that what actually a blog and a Website is?

    Here to understand better first we will discuss dynamic and static content first.

    Now for many of you again its a little bit confusing so let me clear you the concept of Static and Dynamic content.

    Static Content - well, a static content are those content with which you can not interact and not frequently updated.

    A webpage having About section will only allow you to read whatever they show you rather than to interact with it.

    Dynamic content - whereas, dynamic content is the type of content that is frequently updated, and moreover, you can easily interact with the content.

    A webpage having a Quiz page is a dynamic page because on that particular webpage you can easily have your options to choose the correct answer means you can actually respond to it and they frequently update their content too.

    If you understand both these terms clearly now you are able to distinguish between a blog and a website.

    #1 Difference between blog portal and website

    Difference between blog portal and website
    Blog and Website

    Website- A website is the store of both dynamic & static content having full control over the database and can be fully customized as per your will.

    But most of the time it has been seen that websites generally tend to have static content as compared to dynamic content.

    Blog - Blog is the type of website having dynamic content on which you can react and the contents are frequently updated on other hand websites tend to have more static content as compared to blogs.

    This is the main difference between a blog and a website now I think you are able to distinguish the major difference between these two terms.

    #2 Which Is Better a blog or a Website?

    Well, both have their own advantages and disadvantages 【Click here to see Advantages & Disadvantages of a Blog and a Website】so it becomes very hard to say which is better.

    But on the basis of requirements, you can easily judge which is better for you.

    Suppose you are a traveler and want to share your glimpse of traveling to the world you must go with the blog rather than a website.

    And if you are running a school or a business then it becomes important to have an official website for the purpose of requirements where all the important school notice, exam result, latest product, customer reviews, etc can be shared.

    So to decide which one is better, it depends on the condition and the type of requirement.

    #3 Is a blog a part of the website?

    Well I think it will be already cleared to you as above I have mentioned the major difference between blog and website.

    But for your ease I choose to answer this question separately.

    Websites delivered more static content as compared to dynamic content (it doesn't mean that website don't have dynamic content) so for some purpose, it becomes important to share dynamic content on the website.

    Then to overcome this situation setting up a blog option, on website results a solution though it means a website can also have a blog.

    And here is the picture of a very popular website and here you can see that this website has a blog option to provide dynamic content.

    Blog is a part of the Website.
    A blog is a part of the Website.

    So it will not wrong to say that Blog is a part of the Website.

    #4 Should I start a blog in 2020?

    Earlier people use to start blogs to follow up their passion, people used blogs to express their feeling and thoughts through words online so that it can reach up to millions of people. And still many bloggers use blogs to do this.

    Even the possibility of ranking on such types of blogs is higher as compared to tech blogs or a competitive blog.

    One day I was scrolling down the feed of chrome suggested articles for you and I found a blog named 【Kilcullen Diary】which is hosted on blogger.com and when I do research then I found its a popular blog with current updated content.

    You can visit, the blog and have a look at its content type you will amaze to see the content type and have an amazing pageview.

    So now whether you will start a blog or not it's up to you but here are the few things you must know to start a blog:

    Here are the top 10 things which you must know to start a blog:

    1. Blogging provides the freedom to express your thoughts.

    2. Boost your self-confidence.

    3. Blogging also has a carrier option.

    4. It makes you a bold personality person.

    5. A blog can be your online diary.

    6. It helps you with your financial condition.

    7. Enrich your knowledge in the technical field.

    8. Help to boost your writing skills.

    9. Blogging also helps to create your own community and you could be a boss.

    10. It's a great blog platform to showcase your talent.

    #1 Blog bosts your own self-confidence

    Are you a content creator, digital market boss, SEO boss, a traveler, a cook, it doesn't matter and also you have great talent but you just failed because of confidence.

    Sometimes, you start to start your business but you lack confidence that destroys your will internally.

    Well for such people who have great talent but they fear facing people and need a special mentor then you must try Blogging.

    It provides you a great user interface that helps you to interact with others and secretly build up your self-confidence.

    As we already know writing helps in many ways but if you are a content creator then Blogging is the best choice for you.

    Our this free guide is especially for you don't waste your time just get started.

    #2 It can be your carrier option

    Well there are many stories available on the web you read those stories about how some of them quit their job and started blogging as their career.

    Amit Agrawal is one of the examples in this list he is a qualified IIT student who also worked for Google and builds web apps.

    And now he is the owner of many popular sites like labnol.org etc. He also has other blogs and websites hosted on blogger.com.

    Start your blog to earn money
    Start your blog to earn money

    #3 Blogging helps you to gain financial support

    To make money online blogging is one of the major sources available on the internet many successful entrepreneurs started blogging at a young age might you have read the story. We will talk about this in any other post.

    But to get strong backend support you must have unique content so that you. A stay lifelong on the web and can rank higher.

    You can earn money through your premium or free blog in many ways there are many options are available on the internet which allows you to monetize your blog.

    You can also earn money through promotion, affiliate marketing, by showing ads, etc.

    #4 Blogging has a great community and you can rock here

    Well, the community is one of the important factors for anything, and when it comes to blogging it has a very big and great community.

    You can also build your fan following through this blogging and could be your own boss. Blogging allows freedom to live, work as you want therefore if you want to be your own boss you can start blogging.

    Now after discussing these topics lets head over to today's main topic that is How to start a free blog?

    How to start a Blog for free
    How to start a Blog for free?

    How to start a Blog for free?

    Starting a blog is not simple as we think but I promised after reading this post it doesn't seem to much hard to start.

    Saying, start to hard doesn't mean very much difficult to go but starting properly is hard as we think but go with my proper guide on 【Ultimate Guide】How to start a blog for free in 2020?

    Here are the 6 steps to start a blog for free:

    1) Select your niche.
    2) Register for a domain and a hosting package for your Blog.
    3) Choose a blog platform.
    4) Choose a template it can be free or paid. The free version template is the best to start for free.
    5) Setting up your Blog.
    6) Getting Started by writing posts.

    Congratulations! you have successfully set up your own blog and now you have to work on it.

    #01 Select your niche

    Niche is the very first thing you should be clear about this can be like a company under which you have to work.

    Suppose you have the capability to demonstrate digital marketing then your niche should be related to this only you can't choose from a different niche.

    You can also work on its sub-niche as per your strength in the particular niche but you can't go outside from your niche.

    If you hold a good strength of knowledge in that topic you will have daily a lot of topics roaming in your mind in which you can anyone as per need. But if you choose a topic in which you haven't command then you can not a lot of new ideas to showcase.

    Overall, if I say your topic should be your own strength in which you can show your best then only you could be a successful blogger otherwise its not hard for me to say you are going to quit this if you haven't chosen suitable topic.

    #02 Choosing a suitable Domain name and Hosting package.

    After completing with niche your next step will be to choose the perfect domain and hosting.

    These two are equally responsible for your rankings and failing to select good domain and hosting can result in bad SEO factors.

    How to choose a Domain Name?

    So, your domain name must be related to your niche try to find a perfect combination of your niche with low difficulty and competition.

    When you select low difficulty and the competitive keyword for your domain it will be very easy to rank on that keyword.

    Which hosting is better, how to choose?

    If you are a beginner I think you did not need to purchase any hosting you can go with the free available hosting services such as blogger.com as initially, you haven't a large number of posts and as this service is by googling the server response type is enough good to work.

    But if you have an available amount of money and haven't any problem you can go with paid hosting from any hosting service provider.

    #03 Select a blog platform for your blog

    Choosing a blogging platform again the most important step you need to take, it will be the blog platform on which you maintain your blog. So it becomes important to select the blogging platform.

    As a beginner you want to choose that blog platform that takes less time to set up, no coding required, and has a great user interface.

    Here are the top 5 blog platform you can choose anyone from the list below:

    1. Wordpress.org
    2. Blogger.com
    3. Wix.com
    4. Tumblr
    5. Zoomla

    #1 wordpress.org

    Wordpress is an open-source blogging software that allows you to build your website within a minute. It builds in 2003 currently 30℅ of the website are hosted using WordPress.

    There are lots of plugins are available which makes your coding work easy and task-free just install the plugin and set up it and you are done with it.

    So if you want to have effortless work and have also wanted a great user interface then you can choose wordpress.org.

    #2 Blogger.com

    Blogger is a free hosting software by google which allows non-techy users to build their own customized blog and website.

    Blogger is one of the earliest blogging or blog platforms builds in 1999 by Lyra Labs. Later in 2003 Google acquired and redesigned the interface as we know it today.

    It is totally free of cost no kind hidden fees are required. I suggest the new blogger proceed with this service.

    #3 Wix.com

    Wix is actually a hosted service that allows small businesses to build their own website just by drag and drop features.

    Wix officially used to design a website with a number of pre-designed themes available but you can also add a blog on your website by installing the Wix blog app.

    #4 Tumblr

    Tumblr is different from other blogging software it is designed especially for microblogging with inbuilt social media features.

    It is also a free service and specially designed for blogging which allows you to quickly add gif, videos, image, etc.

    #5 Medium

    Medium is one of the fastest-growing blogging platforms which is launched in 2012 and has grown in a community of bloggers, writers, journalist, etc.

    You do not need to customize your blog in Medium they have their own pre-defined template applicable for all users.

    You only need to create an account and just start your publishing posts.

    Medium is not the same as Blogger and Wordpress, it is totally different from these to the blog platform.

    #04 Choosing the template

    This option is not applicable for all blog platforms if you choose to work with Blogger and Wordpress then only you have an option to choose the template of your own choice.

    Blogger and Wordpress both offer customization and can be customized by the user. Other blogging blog platforms like Medium can not be customized.

    So there are lots of websites are available on the web which offers blogger and WordPress templates for free and paid both. For beginners I suggest going with a free premium blogger template, SEO friendly.

    #05 Setting up your blog

    These steps are also an important part of whatever blogging platform you choose to run your blog. After selection, the first step is to set the blog with various required data.

    You need to set your blog title, blog description, linking blog, or website with the webmaster, Google analytics, you need to update custom setting as per requirements.

    Basically in this step you need to set up your blog with proper SEO optimization so that your blog can rank and appear in the search results.

    #06 Write your first SEO friendly posts

    Hey, there this us the final step of starting a blog. After following up on all the above step you are done with customization, setting up a blog, domain, hosting, etc.

    Now it's the time to publish Quality Content posts to your audience and try to get more engagement.

    It's important for new bloggers to know How to write Seo friendly post?

    So here is the short glimpse of writing SEO friendly posts you will get an idea.

    1. If your category is non-professional then you choose the most demanding topic for writing posts. But if your category is under professional then you must search for a keyword which has good search and low KD.

    2. Always try to write at least 350+ words because as per Google Algorithm if your posts have words fewer then 250 ~ 300 then your content may get penalties under thin content.

    3. Try to nest at least 2 images in normal 350-word posts but if your article having more then 350 words then try to balance the posts with images, videos, etc.

    4. Always give your conclusion at the last of the posts because most of the users don't want to read the full-length articles they always search for a short summary of the contents.

    5. The last suggestion for writing an SEO friendly article is If you are writing your blog in the English language then try to write posts in an easy language try to avoid complex sentences.

    My final words on How to start a blog for free in 2020

    Hey guys, if you want to learn how to create or start a blog for free then you must definitely go with these posts.

    In the above paragraphs I have discussed the way you can actually start a blog, discussed the difference between a blog and a website, the top 5 blog platforms on which you can actually work.

    Also discussed on various strategy to follow before starting a blog or a website. And provided a glimpse on how to write SEO friendly posts.

    So the thing is that if you have a passion for talent then you must try Blog and I am sure if you are done with full attention then you must choose this option as your carrier or as a part-time job which actually can be done from sitting at home.

    By following the above 6 steps on how to create a blog you will be able to successfully create a blog and after a couple of months, you are ready to earn money through your blog.

    This post is not about to start a blog but also for clearing some doubts and confusion regarding blog and website hope you guys get my points and understand better.

    If you have still any problem understanding any term or line you can comment below and I will definitely reply and try to help you.

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