Why Blogs Need Privacy Policy and How to Create One for Free

Why Blogs Need Privacy Policy and How to Create One for Free  - Every Website you browse, any company you visit you may have seen or heard of the word Privacy Policy. 

Have you ever wondered what exactly is Privacy Policy and why is it so mandatory to be used everywhere?

    What is privacy and why is it important?

    If you have recently started your career in blogging, then you must have heard about it, what is the privacy policy page? Maybe you have some information about it? But if there is any doubt, then this post is for you.

    What Is Privacy Policy?
    Privacy Policy

    When a company website or any personal blog is started, we reach people and provide information to them, that is why we have to tell the visitors of our blog about the policies and privacy policy of our blog, for which a PRIVACY POLICY PAGE is required.

    After all, why does every blog and website require it and how to make it?

    If you have come here looking for the answers to all these questions, then you will get the answers to all your questions here. The main reason for making a website is to earn money and if someone does business, then it is easy to spread the business through the website. But every company has some policy which it is mandatory to follow and under which that company works.

    Online privacy is very important for our website/blog visitors, every blogger should understand this very well. Through the Privacy Policy Page, we, as a blogger, tell our visitors, what information we take from them and keep Secure. 

    This Privacy Policy applies to all visitors who visit our page. Whether it is a Subscriber of our website or new visitors everybody has to follow the set of rules our Privacy Policy Page satisfies.

    Through this page, we assure our visitors that every information they have given to us is safe and also privacy is maintained.

    Are privacy policies required?

    Privacy Policy is not only a legally required document to disclose the practices on protecting the personal information but also it's a practice of showing the trust of the user privacy it can be different for visitors and companies (for website and blog).

    For Visitors -

    Let us try to understand from an online company or website.

    When you buy goods from a website online or use their service.Then you fill your name, email id, and if you do online payment/transaction you fill bank account number, debit or credit card number, etc. information on that website.

    But have you ever tried to know how all your important information is used by that website?

    Does the company or website you use to keep all your personal information confidential or not?

    If you have not tried to know, then read the privacy policy of that website carefully.

    If a company or website does not have a privacy policy, then any personal information given by you can be misused.

    Then, if there is any kind of problem with you in the future by that company or website, then you may have a lot of problems in getting that company or website legalized.

    If you have tried to know, you should still read the privacy policy of that company or website carefully.

    For Website/Blog -

    1. It is important for the website/blog that it gets the approval of Google Adsense if they want to monetize the account.

    2. And Google Adsense will get approved only if your website/blog has certain pages approved by google as Privacy Page Policy, Disclaimer Page, and other pages which will be discussed in https://bloggingfearz.blogspot.com/ blog soon.

    3. If you don't fulfill these criteria Google Adsense is not approved by Google.

    4. By making this page's ranking of your website/blog improves too.

    5. And also for the visitor trust to be maintained so that they can invest in your company or website.

    6. Through this, we also give instructions to our visitors that what rules they have to follow in the blog. Apart from this, they also tell you what not to do.

    What a good privacy policy should include?

    1. Firstly, the visitor should be acknowledged about the website/blog Privacy Policy so that how the visitor/customer is safe.
          2. You should tell that does your website/blog use cookies, and if it does how do the   cookies work

          3. We should give importance to the privacy of every visitor to keep them secure.

          4. So that we are not leaking any information to any other unnecessary person or company.

          5. Tell that which advertisement brands do you promote, and all the advertisements that are on our website can be opened only by their own will.

          6. Also, tell what activity is allowed inside our website to the people coming on the website/blog.

    You should provide all these details and that also correctly in your Privacy Policy Page and your page will be ready.

    How to Create Privacy Policy?
    How to Create a Privacy Policy?

    How can I write my own privacy policy?

    You don't need to write the whole long Privacy Policy Page yourself, Just follow these simple steps and you can easily make quality Privacy Policy Page.

    By following these steps you can create a Privacy Policy Page for free. Read the following steps and get started :

        1. To create a Privacy Policy Page you need to visit the Privacy Policy Generator site and then you need to register there and make your account it.

        2. Then click on the Privacy Policy Generator Tools and visit there and login to it.

        3. Then on Privacy Policy Generator Tools, a page is going to open in it you have to give some information about your website/blog in it.

         4. In front of Site, the URL writes the URL of the website/blog.

         5. Put your Email Address.

         6. Then choose Yes we use cookies.

         7. If you want Google Adsense, which you should if you want to monetize your account then select that and also tell which ads you want to show on your website/blog.

         8. Then just click on Create my Privacy Policy.

    As you fill in all this information correctly in your Privacy Policy Page and your page will be ready. Copy the HTML mode of this custom made a page and open your blog.

    How to add this Privacy Policy Page in your website/blog :

    1. Open Blogger's Dashboard and click on the Pages option in the dropdown list.

    2. After this, click on New Page, the option to create a new page will come.

    3. Now write Privacy Policy in the title and select HTML mode.

    4. After that, paste the content of the privacy policy that is generated in the Above area.

    5. After this our work has been completed, then we will now click on Publish.

    And boom you successfully created and added your Privacy Policy Page on your website/blog.

    Conclusion :

    Today you know what is the privacy policy page? You must have known how to make a privacy policy for your website/blog. And then must have also understood why it is important?  Why the Privacy Policy page is added to every blog and website. Every blog has to tell its privacy policy so that visitors can securely join and follow the blog according to the guidelines.

    Along with giving us your visitor information, it is also important to take care of their security because some websites collect the information of the visitors coming to their site, which can be misused, and also many visitors does not like on their website such as popup windows. 

    You must have seen those who give messages about Allow Cookies and ask permission from you. If you trust that website then you press the Allow button, it can have a virus that can harm your device but if that site is not for you, then Ignore it.

    I hope you like this post and find it helpful. Let me know your suggestions and problems in the comment box.


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